Experience Your Life Blog

A guest blog from my friend Jodi Okun of College Finacial Aid Advisors home for the holidayson that holiday trip home for college freshmen. 

Even though you’ve enjoyed the time you’ve spent away at school, you may be looking forward to heading home for the first time. It may be for a long weekend, for Thanksgiving, or even for Winter Break. Regardless of when you go, you’ll most likely encounter some unexpected challenges.

You’ve changed. While you may have felt pretty independent before you left for school, you’ve undoubtedly become more so since starting classes. Keep that in mind when you head home for the first time. While it’s important to not feel like you have to hide your newly found independence and confidence, it’s also important to remember that it’s new for your parents (and siblings and friends) to see.

Your parents have changed.  Your parents raised you for your entire life, and then, one day, you were gone. Understandably, they had to adjust to that absence. You may now come home acting more independently, talking about things they’ve never heard you talk about, and holding a schedule that conflicts with their house rules. Some things are inevitably going to need to be worked out when you return home.

Your friends have changed.  Your core group of high school friends is planning on getting together as soon as you all get back into town. When you arrive, though, everyone seems so different! Be realistic about the situation: think about how much you’ve changed since starting college. Isn’t it normal to expect your high school friends to change, too?

No matter whom you’re interacting with — parents, siblings, friends — try to be comfortable with the unexpected shifts that may be happening. It’s totally normal — and even healthy — for things to change the longer you’re in school. Enjoy it for what it is and be patient with everyone — including yourself — as people adjust to your new life.

Jodi Okun assists parents in finding the financial resources to cover the cost of College! Jodi's company College Financial Aid Advisors will empower you with info and support and guide you throughout the whole process of attaining the most affordable financial aid for your children’s college education

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