Thinking About...
Sparking Your Curiousity

In the next few weeks, the great back to school migration begins for kids all over the country. I remember the mix of emotions that would flood me as a kid at the end of every summer. I was sad that the summer had ended and I would have to return to the routine of school but I was also excited at the prospect of seeing what the new school year would bring.
Ahhhh... the last day of school!
Remember when you were a kid and summer held the promise of endless adventures and unexpected surprises? You could wake up on any given morning with no idea what was coming up but by the end of the day you were exhausted and worn out from your many adventures. It was a time free of responsibilities and expectations. It was a time to play.
Do you still know how to play?
The Worst Four Letter Word
To me, the most dreaded four letter word that exists. Fear can creep into your life and strip you of your dreams, it can steal your ability to accomplish the things you desire. and, worst of all, it destroys the joy of life itself.
Pause for a second and look at your life as it is right now. Ask yourself, "How is fear dominating the experience of my life? How is fear tearing away the dreams and aspirations I have and making me live a life that is smaller than the one I want?"
Compassion: The Antidote to Violence

Because these external events are extraordinary, they often induce extraordinary responses and emotions in us. Being unaccustomed to dealing with feelings like helplessness, anger, discouragement, and even hatred, we can easily become frantic in our search for an outlet for these negative energies. This is a time when compassion for both ourselves and others can turn the tide on these feelings of despair.
5 Tips to Stay Safe During the Holiday
My friend, Cynthia Bazin of SmartChic has some great ideas to keep you safe during the holiday shopping frenzy.
The holidays are a great time of year. The holiday lights; great food; giving gifts to those you love. The last thing you want or need during the holiday season is to be a victim of a crime. When you're rushing around, sometimes you can forget the little things that can keep you safe. Criminals like to take advantage of an opportunity. Don't give them that opportunity. Slow down some and make sure you are always thinking safety first.
Winter Isolation: Nesting vs. Hiding Out

Isolation can hamper our ability to feel good about ourselves and the lives we lead. It can make us question our value, our ability to give and receive love, and our place in our families and communities.
Timing Your Potential

But it is impossible to perform at your peak every minute of the entire day. So the question is, when are you at your ideal potential for performing each of the activities you need to accomplish during the day?
Learning for Life

As kids, we tend to be more open to the idea of learning just for the fun of learning but as adults the cues aren't as clear and we often lose our inspiration to learn new things amid various commitments and responsibilities that demand our attention and time. When we do make time to learn a new skill it is often related to career advancement with the learning seen as a means to an end, not an end in itself.
Perhaps, just like kids returning to school, we can find methods of inspiring our adult selves to learn something new in an area that interests us and brings us enjoyment, just for the sake of learning.
Re-ignite Your Relationship

But as time went on, maybe a little of the magic vanished from your relationship. Abracadabra and life had stolen the initial passion that you had for each other. What can you do?
The Inner Fitness Workout

And while this commitment to maintaining the physical body is vitally important, there is another component to wellness that involves your inner being; let's call this inner fitness.
The Iceberg Principle: What's Below the Surface

The Three Most Important Questions

With all this green growy spring energy in the air why not take the time to ask yourself three easy and eye opening questions:
The TV Monster!

Tax Time is Here Again

People Let Me Tell Ya 'bout My Best Friend

Maintaining friendships is an important way to lessen the stress in your life and also stay connected to what's real. A good friend will tell you when you are right on track and support you in your growth and development. They will also tell you when you have gone too far, when your decisions are less than wise, and when it is time to get motivated.