Some people don't get it, but going back to school for a gay kid is a really scary thing. It can mean having to put on lots of layers of armor and acting straight so as to fit in and not feel like an outsider.
Why would an LGBT teenager have to act straight?
To protect themselves from the stigma of being "the gay kid" which can mean being taunted, bullied, called names, and even physical violence.
Or if they choose to be open about their sexuality, putting on their teflon suit so that the cruelty they may face at school will slide of them and they can feel good about themselves.
I wish there was an easy solution to this problem within our schools but for right now there isn't. Maybe it is time for each of us to look inside and find a way to offer support and a safe place for the LGBT teens in our lives. To be willing to create a space where they can share what's going on for them and let them be exactly who they are.
And like any teenager, that will change from day to day but at least they will know there is someone they can talk to when things get tough.