And so many of the holiday traditions that we carry forward each year are filled with the glow and inspiration of light. In celebrating Chanukah the Menorah brings light to this holiday commemorating the miracle of the oil, while the Kinara, part of Kwanza, is lit to represent the seven guiding principals. In South India they light clay lamps on the rooftops and walls of their houses, the same way as Hindus decorate their homes during the Diwali Festival.
Around the world light is a focal point for the many traditions of Christmas. In Mexico, the celebration of Las Posada includes candlelight processions, while in Denmark a candle is lit for each Sunday of Advent. Over in England the Yule log is lit and must stay alight until New Year's Day.
And as we decorate for the holidays notice how the house and the tree are covered in lights, candles are placed around providing islands of warmth, and a fire is set in the fireplace. Perhaps it is instinct that in this darkest time of the calendar that we feel a need to gather around light to revitalize us and keep us focused.
Take the time to notice the light of the season and invite others in to share it with you, bringing warmth, laughter and light into very corner of your life.
What types of light inspire you during the holidays?