All this stimulus and input can be stressful on your mind and body.
Stuff happens in our lives and in any moment we have two choices we can take it all inside and feel bad about ourselves or we can talk to friends, family, and loved ones and get things out of our system.
Today’s stress reduction tool is about getting back in touch with all of the fun things that you enjoy in your life. Remember back before life became all about deadlines, projects, and bills.
What were the things you used to enjoy?Welcome to day two of your stress reduction toolkit. Hopefully you started your day off with a healthy breakfast and maybe even got in a little bit of morning exercise to kick start your day.
Today we are going to look at step two in reducing stress in your life. For many people when they,” kick start” their morning they do it with a big cup of coffee.
And yet that very same cup of coffee that you are using to pick you up contains large amounts of caffeine, which can set up the body for stress and tension over the long hall.For some people this reality is known as living with stress.
I know I share a lot of methods on meditation and relaxation but sometimes it is the simple tasks of daily life that can bring us back to our center.
For me the task is cooking.
Who Is My Mirror?
Take a look at the people around you right now in your life. Who are the people you enjoy hanging out with? Who are the ones that inspire you? Who are the ones that drain your energy? Who makes you feel tired after spending time together?Many people find themselves doing this on a regular basis or trying to cram in a hurried meal on the run, fueling up on overly-processed foods and quick fixes of candy, soda and energy drinks.
Over time, this lack of proper nutrition can take a toll not only on the body but also on the brain, which in turn influences mood. Just like the rest of the body, the brain is an organ that is very sensitive to the nourishment we provide for it. The foods we eat can have a lasting influence on mood, mental functioning, and emotional well-being.
"To love oneself is the beginning of a life long affair" Oscar Wilde.
And no truer words could be spoken on Valentines Day where there is so much pressure to prove one's love to others and the world. Do we have it wrong trying to make love an external process rather than focusing on the inner process of self love?